The Poem Of The Third Person
When your eyes touched upon mine
My calamity it was, I would weep
Not that I had your love -- I knew that
You had a lover -- I kept hearing so
A young squirt, skinny thin like a stick
He was a no-good, that's what I thought
If at any time I should have him before my eyes
I would kill him -- that, I feared;
My calamity it would be, I would weep
Every time I walked through Maçka
There would be ships and ships by the quay
Trees would giggle like a bird would
A breeze would seize and bind my mind
Silently you would light your cigarette
Burn my fingertips as you lit your cigarette
Looking through your lashes, sideways you would peep
I would feel the chill, shivers running through me inside
My calamity it would be, I would weep
The evenings ended like any novella would
Jezabel would lie there smudged in blood
A ship would set sail leaving the harbour
You would straighten up and go to him
You would go dejectedly, with countenance downcast
You would stay till daybreak through the night
He was a no-good, that was what I thought
When he laughed it was as stiff as that of a corpse
And when he took you in his arms, on top of all else
I would weep, my calamity that was
Attila İlhan
Gözlerin gözlerime değince
Felaketim olurdu, ağlardım
Beni sevmiyordun, bilirdim
Bir sevdiğin vardı, duyardım
Ne vakit karşımda görsem
Öldüreceğimden korkardım
Felaketim olurdu, ağlardım
Ne vakit Maçka'dan geçsem
Limanda hep gemiler olurdu
Ağaçlar kuş gibi gülerdi
Bir rüzgâr aklımı alırdı
Sessizce bir cigara yakardın
Parmaklarımın ucunu yakardın
Kirpiklerini eğerdin, bakardın
Üşürdüm, içim ürperirdi
Felaketim olurdu, ağlardım
Akşamlar bir roman gibi biterdi
Jezabel kan içinde yatardı
Limandan bir gemi giderdi
Sen kalkıp ona giderdin
Benzin mum gibi giderdin
Sabaha kadar kalırdın
Hayırsızın biriydi fikrimce
Güldü mü cenazeye benzerdi
Hele seni kollarına aldı mı
Felaketim olurdu, ağlardım
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